Read- Precautions below before doing enemas

  1. Add 3 tablespoons of coffee to 950ml of filtered water in a stainless steel (not aluminium) saucepan
  2. Bring to the boil and boil for 3-5 minutes with the lid off
  3. Simmer for 15-18 minutes with the lid in place
  4. You can now add back some cool water lost to steam to make up the 950mls
  5. Strain the coffee through a cheese cloth or sieve (not a paper filter) as you want to retain the palmatates in the coffee grounds (the paper filter traps them). Most enema buckets have the drain hose 5-10mm above the base which prevents the coffee grounds from entering the tube which is good.
  6. Once the enema solution cools to body temperature (don’t use water any hotter than 36 degrees Celsius) add to enema bucket.
  7. Unclip the hose clamp and use gravity to fill up the hose and expel any air in the hose, once the air is expelled re-clamp the hose (air left in the hose can cause cramping)
  8. The enema bucket should be hung 46-61cm above the mat you will be laying on. (Put some towels down incase of any leakage and ensure the enema bucket is retained securely so it doesn’t fall on you).
  9. Lubricate the enema tip with apricot or coconut oil before inserting.
  10. Lie on your right side with your knees towards your chest
  11. . Lubricate yourself with the apricot or coconut oil and gently insert the enema tip 3 inches (76mm) Gerson advises 6 inches but I have found 3 inches is enough.
  12.  Release the clamp and let gravity feed the fluid into you. If too much is flowing in re-clamp the hose and wait a few moments before letting more fluid in.
  13.  Once the bucket is empty re-clamp the hose and hold the fluid in your colon for 12-15 minutes
  14.  After 12-15 minutes remove the tube, walk over to the toilet and release the contents of the enema into the toilet. (some people leave the tube in until they get to the toilet) You need to be able to sit on the toilet for 10 minutes as the enema will come out in 3-4 waves.

Making a coffee enema concentrate (bulk amount)

If doing the Gerson therapy they do 4-5 enemas per day. If you don’t want to make a fresh batch each time you can make a concentrate that will last in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. This concentrate will make 8 coffee enemas

1 Add 2 cups of coffee (24 tablespoons) to 2 litres of filtered water

2 Bring to the boil and boil for 3-5 minutes with the lid off

3 Simmer for 15-18 minutes with the lid in place

4 Strain the coffee through a cheese cloth or sieve (not a paper filter) as you want to retain the palmatates in the coffee grounds (the paper filter traps them). Most enema buckets have the drain hose 5-10mm above the base which prevents the coffee grounds from entering the tube which is good.

5 Transfer equal amounts of concentrate into two one litre mason jars. Some water would have been lost during boiling so top up both jars with filtered water to make two full one litre bottles of concentrate.

Store in refrigerator and when ready to do an enema- take 240ml of concentrate from the fridge and shake jar to mix any sediment;

then add 710ml of warm filtered water. The temperature of an enema should be at body temperature (no warmer than 36 degrees celcius). It’s best to check with a thermometer.


8 Things You Need to Know Before Trying a Coffee Enema (this information is from the Gerson website)areas in italics have been added by me.

1. The purpose of coffee enemas is to stimulate the liver to increase its detoxification of the blood and decrease the toxic load on the liver. This includes removing a variety of toxins and free radicals from the bloodstream. They assist the liver so as not to overburden an already sluggish and toxic liver with the flood of toxins dislodged from the clean, nutrient-dense food and juice of the Gerson Therapy.

2. They are not for everyone. Coffee enemas are not recommended unless under strict supervision of an experienced Gerson Practitioner if any of the following exist:

a. Currently undergoing chemotherapy

b. Renal, cardiac or respiratory failure

c. Bleeding and/or ulceration in the colon tract

d. Ulcerative Colitis

e. Crohn’s disease

f. Ileostomy (no colon)

g. Hypertension and/or tachycardia

h. Pregnant (consult with your primary physician or Gerson Practitioner)

i. Acute or ongoing chronic diarrhea until investigated by a physician

j. First 6-8 weeks post-surgery (always check with your primary physician or Gerson Practitioner)

3. The coffee solution is not held in the liver. In fact, it’s held in the colon. The vessels in the lower part of the descending colon and rectum carry the solution to the liver. The potent compounds in coffee are absorbed by the hemorrhoidal and mesenteric veins that route to the liver.

4. The coffee enema itself does not produce bile. The coffee does cause some stimulation of the liver to produce bile, but it’s the potent compounds including caffeine, theobromine and theophylline that dilate blood vessels, bile ducts and relax smooth muscles, increasing the flow of bile.

5. Electrolytes are lost during evacuation, and therefore coffee enemas should always be balanced by vegetablejuice. The typical ratio is 3:1 (three, 8 oz. juices for each coffee enema). Those not on a Gerson Therapy protocol should drink plenty of water.Coconut water replaces lost electrolytes as does water with a pinch of salt.

6. The body does not become dependent on coffee enemas to have a bowel movement. Upon completion of the Gerson Therapy, patients have no issues generating bowel movements without coffee enemas.

7. A variety of coffee is appropriate for use, ranging from gold, green and white, to light and medium roasts. Dark roasts are not appropriate because the potent compounds have been roasted out, and they are high in acrylamides. Gold, green or white beans are very potent, with light to medium roasts typically well-tolerated by most. If you are new to coffee enemas, green, gold or white beans may not be best to start with. Instead, start with a medium or light roast. Coffee must be organic and we recommend fair-trade, sustainable coffee.Our coffee is organic, fair-trade and lightly roasted (gold)

8. Dr.Gerson did not invent coffee enemas. Coffee enemas have appeared in medical writings dating back to ancient Egypt and have been cited in case reports and articles from the late 1800s¹.

REMINDER: Always check with your primary care physician or licensed medial professional before attempting a coffee enema. If you have a chronic disease or cancer and are considering the Gerson Therapy, please work with our Gerson Practitioner Network to receive a personalized protocol and ongoing case management. Visit our Get Started page to apply.

¹Coffee enemas have long been in use. In a case report in the Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal in December  1866, M.A. Cachot, MD, described successful use of a coffee enema to treat a child dying from an accidental poisoning. (Cachot, 1866) Articles from the late 1800s reported that coffee enemas were helpful in post-operative care. (Allison, 1896; “The Medicinal Employment of Coffee,” 1897) At a medical meeting in 1896, Dr. W.J. Mayo, one of the founders of the Mayo Clinic, mentioned coffee enemas as a routine part of care for patients after abdominal surgery. (“Mississippi Valley Medical Association Society Proceedings,” 1896) In an extensive 1941 article in the Uruguayan Medical, Surgical and Specialization Archives, Dr. Carlos Stajano described immediate improvement in near-terminal patients after coffee enemas, including a patient with cocaine intoxication and a patient with post-operative shock. (Stajano, 1941) His extensive experience with coffee enemas in post-operative management made him plead for their continued use (